Time | What | Where |
0600 | Registration & Transition open | Registration / Transition |
0745 | Registration CLOSES | |
0755 |
Standard triathlon, standard Aquabike and Relay competitors to be at the Swim Start |
Open Water Centre |
0800 | Transition CLOSES | |
0845 | Sprint triathlon and sprint Aquabike competitors to be at the Swim Start | Open Water Centre |
1130/1145 | Kit collection | Transition |
1245 | All kit out of Transition | Near Transition |
1300 | All shoes must be collected by now | Near Transition |
PARKING – please note that since we sent out our race information RCP have changed their booking process and you can no longer pay for parking in advance. On the day you can do this using your phone through the link. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Are you race ready?

Race Number:
Cycle – clearly visible from BACK
Run – clearly visible from FRONT

One on your bike SEAT POST
One on the front of your CYCLE HELMET

Timing Chip:
Attach to your LEFT ankle
Quick rule reminders…

Attire must be fully fastened, front and back, at all times. There must be no gap between Tri shorts and tops – the front torso must be fully covered.
Failure to comply is now a disqualification with no appeal.

Smart watches and ‘phones can be used as a recording device to track your speed but must not be used to call or text, or for music, photography or video while racing or in the Transition area

Drafting and blocking:
The draft zone is 10 metres from the front edge of the front tyre of the competitor in front, there is no side zone. If you are overtaking or have been overtaken you have 20 seconds to pass / drop back.

Conduct and littering:
Respect other competitors, race officials and spectators at all times.
Take your spare clothes, water, gels etc with you. DO NOT LITTER!
Enjoy the race!
Please remember that all marshals and technical officials are volunteers and are there for your safety. The occasional “thank you” does wonders.
We are honoured to be able to hold the race in such a beautiful environment. Therefore, please respect the area keep it clean and tidy by taking your rubbish home… and smile at the locals.